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China NCSN - Updates

In accordance with Article 23 of the 'Measures on the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances' (Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of the People’s Republic of China Order No.7) information on updated simplified notification certificates for new chemical substances were published on September 16, 2011.

In total, 1570 registration certificates for simplified notification were issued by the MEP from January to June 2011. Most of the new substances notified (>90%) were polymers, containing less than 2% new chemical substances. The registration certificates detailed information such as the Chinese and English names of substance, name of the notifier and their agent, category of notification, registered volume and usage, type of activity etc.

Also, 225 scientific research record notification were handled by the MEP concerning 306 new chemical substances between April and June 2011. Scientific research record notifications contain only the acceptance number, acceptance date, the name of notifier and the number of substances. The names of the substances are not publicized.

The figures show a clear trend in enterprises, especially international companies, becoming more concerned with the importance of China regulation compliance. Most of the notifiers are well know foreign companies or foreign invested enterprises in China such as BASF, DSM, DOW, etc., which means enhanced compliance awareness currently plays a critical role in market competition.

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