Chemical Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
GB/T 27861 - 2011 Chemicals - Fish Acute Toxicity Test
Local Title:
GB/T 27861-2011化学品 鱼类急性毒性试验
Chinese Mainland
Competent Authority:
Standardization Administration of China
In force
Release Date:
Implementation Date:
Language Source Title Access
Official GB/T 27861-2011 Chemicals - Fish Acute Toxicity Test (draft proposal)_CN version
Official CRC-MPE Notice public consultation on seven draft GB/T Standards on chemical testing guidelines for hazard classification_CN
Official GB/T 27861-2011 Chemicals - Fish Acute Toxicity Test
External OECD 203: 1992_EN version (GB/T 27861 has adopted its technical content)

This GB/T standard is formulated to provide technical support, regarding approved testing methods of ecotoxicological data required for China New Chemical Substance Notification, to implement the MEP Order 7.

The standard elaborates principles of the method, procedure, preparation, test validity, quality control, data and report for the fish acute toxicity test. But the standard does not apply to testing of chemicals that are liable to react violently with water.

The standard is attached with two appendixes. Appendix A lists the recommended fish species, temperature and organism size for the test. Appendix B specifies the preparation of standard reconstituted water.

This standard is modified in relation to (MOD)OECD No.203: 1992 with the same technical contents.  Interested readers are advised to refer to the original OECD guidelines 203 instead of seeking the English translation of the Chinese GB/T standard. However, in Appendix A, this standard adds two another test organisms, i.e. Gobiocypris rarus and Xiphophoorus helleri.

The Technical Committee:  China National Technical Committee for Standardization of Dangerous Chemicals Management(SAC/TC 251)

The Drafting Committees: Chemical Registration Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (CRC-MEP), Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences(SAES), Shanghai Academy Of Public Measurement(APM), Guangdong Detection Center of Microbiology (GDDCM), Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine(CAIQ)
