Chemical Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
GB 6944-202X Classification and code of dangerous goods (Draft)
Local Title:
GB 6944-202x 危险货物分类和品名编号(征求意见稿)
Chinese Mainland
Competent Authority:
Standardization Administration of China;  State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR)
Release Date:
Implementation Date:
Language Source Title Access
Official GB 6944—202X Classification and code of dangerous goods (Draft)
ChemLinked Translation
GB 6944-202X Classification and code of dangerous goods (Draft)
File Language : EN
$ 219

"GB 6944 Classification and code of dangerous goods" is a national mandatory standard in regard to dangerous goods within the country. It was first formulated in 1986 and implemented on July 1, 1987. It was revised twice in 2005 and 2012. To be in line with the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations (Rev. 22), the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (Rev. 7), and other relevant regulations and technical standards in China, the authority drafted the revisions to GB 6944 and GB 12268 to solicit public feedback. The period for comments ended on May 8, 2023. Once adopted, the revised standards are expected to take effect 12 months after publication and replace their 2012 versions.

GB 6944 applies to the transportation, storage, distribution and related activities of dangerous goods. The main technical content includes:

  1. The classification of dangerous goods.

  2. The basis for the determination of the classes, divisions, and packing groups.

  3. The precedence of hazards of dangerous goods.

  4. The principles for the coding of dangerous goods.

This standard, together with GB 12268 List of Dangerous Goods, constitutes the backbone of the domestic standard system for dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals. They have derived a series of laws, regulations and related standards for the transportation management of dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals in China.

GB 6944-202X Classification and code of dangerous goods (Draft)
Release Date: 2023-03-01
Implementation Date : /
In force
Release Date: 2012-05-31
Implementation Date : 2012-12-01
Release Date: 2005-07-26
Implementation Date : 2005-11-01