Chemical Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
GB 190-2009 Packing Symbol of Dangerous Goods
Local Title:
GB 190-2009 危险货物包装标志
Chinese Mainland
Competent Authority:
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (now SAMR);  Standardization Administration of China
In force
Release Date:
Implementation Date:
Language Source Title Access
Official GB_190_2009_Packing_symbol_of_dangerous_goods_CN version
External GB_190_2009_Packing_symbol_of_dangerous_goods_EN version
On-demand Translation Service
GB 190-2009 Packing Symbol of Dangerous Goods

GB 190 stipulates symbols (including marking and labeling) of dangerous goods, including 4 marks and 26 labels which respectively indicate the main properties of 9 classes of dangerous goods.

This Standard replaces its previous version GB 190-1990 and was modified according to UN Recommendations on Transport of Dangerous Goods Part 5: Consignment Procedures Chapter 5.2: Marking and Labeling (Rev.15th).

Compared with its previous version GB 190-1990, this Standard made the following main changes:

  • Increased the number of labels of explosives from 3 to 4;

  • Increased the number of labels of gases from 3 to 5

  • Increased the number of labels of inflammable liquid from 1 to 2;

  • Increased the number of labels of Class 4 substances from 3 to 4

  • Labels of organic peroxides have changed a lot among all Class 5 substances;

  • Decreased the number of labels of toxic substances from 3 to 1;

  • Added the label of fissile substances among Class 7 substances;

  • Added 4 markings;

  • Added requirements for use of markings and labeling (Appendix A)

Technical Committee: National Technical Committee 251 on Dangerous Chemicals Management of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 251)
