Chemical Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
GB5009.156-2016 General Rules of the Pre-treatment Method of the Migration Test for Food Contact Materials and Articles
Local Title:
Chinese Mainland
Competent Authority:
National Health and Family Planning Commission (now NHC)
In force
Release Date:
Implementation Date:
Language Source Title Access
Official GB5009.156-2016-CN
ChemLinked Translation
GB 5009.156-2016 General Principle to the Pretreatment for Migration Test of Materials and Articles in Contact with Food
File Language : EN
$ 449

This standard specifies the general principle of the pretreatment for migration test of materials and articles in contact with food, reagents and materials, equipment and instrument, methods for sample collection and preparation, sample contact area, ratio of sample contact area to food stimulant volume, cleaning and special treatment of samples, test method, determination requirements on migration quantity, and requirements on presentation of results.

This standard applies to the pretreatment for the migration test of materials and articles in contact with food.

It includes the following parts:

  1. Scope

  2. Terms and definition

  3. General principles

  4. Reagents and Materials

  5. Equipment and Instrument

  6. Methods for sample collection and preparation

  7. Sample contact area

  8. Ratio of sample contact area to food simulant volume (S/V)

  9. Cleaning and special treatment of samples

  10. Test method

  11. Determination requirements of migration quantity

  12. Requirements on presentation of results