Chemical Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions


$ 99 premium members free
Dr. Ken-Yen Liu, Ms. Yea-Jen Jeng
Tuesday , 19th Sep 2017
Taiwan EPA




1. 台湾化学物质登录制度简介

2. 既有物质标准登录最新动态解析

3. 登录办法的修订规划

4. 常见问题分析

Contact Information

If you have any question about this webinar, please contact us:

Tel: +86 (0)571 8609 4444


Other Information

中国石油和化学工业联合会于 2001 年 4 月 28 日在北京成立。这是继 1998 年从化学工业部到国家石油化学工业局这一政府经济管理职能大变革之后,石油和化工行业管理体制的又一次大跨越。中国石油和化学工业联合会目前拥有会员单位300多家。中国石油和化学工业联合会是石油和化工行业具有服务和一定管理职能的全国性、综合性的社会中介组织。中国石油和化学工业联合会作为社团组织,对内联合行业力量,对外代表中国石油和化工行业,加强与国外和境外同行的合作与交流。石油和化工行业目前有专业协会 41 个,行业覆盖面约 70%。


瑞欧科技是国际知名的专业技术服务机构,总部位于中国杭州,在爱尔兰、美国、中国台湾均设立了分 公司,拥有多名国际认证毒理学家、安全评估师和风险评估专家。通过打造24 小时全球咨询服务网络和技术专家团队,为企业及产品提供一站式的国际市场准入服务。服务领域覆盖工业化学品、农药和消杀产品、 化妆品、食品和食品接触材料、消费品等多个行业,服务内容包括产品注册登记、法规资讯和新闻预警、专题会议培训和公开课,以及依托互联网技术的供应链管理软件及信息化等服务。

“合规创造价值 - Value in Compliance” 是瑞欧科技的行动宗旨。自公司成立以来,瑞欧科技为各国 政府、协会、社会团体提供技术支持,服务超过6000 家知名企业,完成了数万个产品注册、登记和咨询项目, 为消除贸易壁垒,促进全球贸易一体化提供了优质的技术服务。瑞欧科技作为行业标杆,将持续秉承绿色、健康、可持续发展的指导理念,为客户提供专业高效的解决方案。

  • Assistant General Manager of ERI
    Dr. Liu received his Bachelor's degree from the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, the Master's degree from the Institute of Chemistry and the doctor's degree from the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering of Taiwan University and specialized in organic syntheses, polymer materials and the development of photoelectric energy materials. His academic background covers the areas of science, engineering and agriculture. With the publication of more than 10 SCI papers, Dr. Liu worked in the Institute of Industrial Technology and helped a lot of Taiwan companies in the areas of daily chemical industry, environmental friendly materials and photoelectric technologies. From 2015, Dr. Liu worked as the vice director of the Chemical Substances Registration Center of Taiwan EPA.
  • Manager of ERI
    Ms. Jeng received her Bachelor's degree from the Department of Plant Pathology and Entomology and the Master's degree from the Graduate Institute of Toxicology of National Taiwan University. She has more than 10 years of working experiences in chemical industry and has in-depth knowledge and skills of regulatory affairs. Ms. Jeng works as manager of the Chemical Substances Registration Center of Taiwan EPA since 2016, specialized in information related to toxicology and environmental toxicology fields.