Chemical Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions

Introduction of Turkey REACH: KKDIK

$ 99 premium members free
Carol Zhang, Jerrison Wei
Wednesday , 8th Apr 2020
REACH24H Consulting Group China

Turkey’s REACH-like regulation KKDIK was officially implemented on 23 December 2017. The new chemical regulation has a major impact on chemical management and market access in Turkey. It should be noted that the registration period is only three years for all substances and tonnage bands. Potential registrants are required to submit pre-registration by 31 December 2020. Non-Turkish manufacturers can appoint an experienced OR to comply with these new requirements. 

This webinar aims to show you the key points of KKDIK regulation and compliance strategy.

  • Overview of KKDIK regulation

  • Key points in compliance with KKDIK: Comparison with EU REACH

  • Relevant Turkish regulations and services

  • Options for non-Turkish manufacturers

Contact Information

If you have any question about this webinar, please contact us:

  • Tel: +86 (0)571 8700 7591

  • Email:

  • Senior Regulatory Consultant
    Ms. Carol Zhang comes from the REACH compliance division of REACH24H Consulting Group. She has intensively studied EU REACH, K-REACH and US TSCA regulations, and accumulated abundant experience in serving enterprises under REACH-like regulatory systems.
  • Senior Chemical Regulatory Consultant
    Mr. Jerrison Wei is a senior chemical regulatory consultant from REACH24H for EU REACh and K-REACh regulatory affairs. Mr. Wei has extensive project management experience in EU REACh Compliance and has successfully handled cases for many of the world's largest chemical companies.