Chemical Compliance
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Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals of China: Resolving the Current Impasse

Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals of China: Resolving the Current Impasse

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Basic Information
  • Author:Jim Wei
  • Pages:7
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:Apr 24, 2013
    Last Updated On:Apr 24, 2013

The Chinese C&L inventory (Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals) is yet to be issued. The obstacles that hinder the issuance of the Catalogue are discussed in five aspects in this eBook with the first few points elaborating on the specific duties of various Chinese ministries in conjunction with the status quo of chemical management in China. 

  1. GHS Implementation in China

  2. Definition of Hazardous Chemicals

  3. Context of the Formulation of the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals

  4. Course of Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals Formulation

  5. Function of Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals

  6. Conclusion

  7. Reference Links


  1. GHS 在中国的实施情况

  2. 危险化学品的定义

  3. 《危险化学品目录》出台的背景

  4. 《危险化学品目录》制定过程

  5. 《危险化学品目录》的作用

  6. 相关链接