Chemical Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
Industrial Chemical Management in Singapore

Industrial Chemical Management in Singapore

$ 399 affiliate publication
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Basic Information
  • Author:ChemLinked
  • Pages:24
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:Sep 16, 2021
    Last Updated On:Sep 16, 2021

This report, produced by ChemLinked, is a technical resource for overseas exporters, designed to improve industry understanding of Singapore’s chemical management requirements, clarify roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved and enhance predictability to smooth exports to Singapore. Chemical substances widely exist in our life, which are the ingredients of all the finished products, like food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, pesticide, etc. Since there are specific laws or regulations for these products, the report mainly focuses on the requirements for market access of industrial chemical substances in Singapore.

To assist stakeholders in preparing for regulatory compliance, this report provides a helpful checklist illustrating obligations, explains requirements as per regulation and includes expectations on the regulatory environment, as well as annexes detailing the references, inventories, etc.

  • Part 1: Overview

  • Part 2: Legislation

  • Part 3: GHS Implementation

  • Reference

  • Annex 1 Regulations