Chemical Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
Inventory-based Chemical Management in AP Region

Inventory-based Chemical Management in AP Region

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Basic Information
  • Author:ChemLinked
  • Pages:52
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:May 25, 2020
    Last Updated On:May 24, 2020

This report introduces over 50 inventories in the Asia-Pacific region, including the release authority, release time, the obligations of the enterprises, and so on.

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This report involves the inventories of the following countries/regions:

  1. Chinese Mainland

  2. Taiwan, China

  3. South Korea

  4. Japan

  5. Malaysia

  6. Singapore

  7. Vietnam

  8. Indonesia

  9. Thailand

  10. The Philippines

  11. India

  12. Australia

  13. New Zealand