Chemical Compliance
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Thailand GHS

Last updated on: Jul 20, 2022


On March 12, 2012, Thailand’s Department of Industrial Works (DIW) released the Notification on Hazard Classification and Communication System of Hazardous Substances B.E.2555 (2012) (hereinafter referred to as the Notification B.E.2555) , which is also known as Thailand GHS. The Notification B.E.2555 adopted the UN GHS Rev.3 (2009) and introduced GHS classification and communication system into Thailand in 2012. The implementation of Thailand GHS is two-step action, with GHS coming into force on March 13, 2013 for single substances and March 13, 2017 for mixtures.

Authorities and Regulations

There are six main ministries involved in GHS implementation, the Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Department of Agriculture (DOA), Department of Fisheries (DOF), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Department of Energy Business (DOEB), Department of Livestock Development (DOLD). DIW was the first authority to start GHS implementation, FDA was the second authority, followed by the other authorities. Below are the competent authorities and major regulations.

Competent authorities




Notification on Hazard Classification and Communication System of Hazardous Substances B.E.2555 (2012)

The DIW released the Notification B.E.2555 (a.k.a. Thailand GHS) on March 12, 2012 in the Government Gazette, which adopted the UN GHS Rev.3 with the purpose of hazard communication for chemicals in Thailand.

The implementation of Thailand GHS is two-step action, with GHS coming into force on:

  • March 13, 2013 for single substances; and

  • March 13, 2017 for mixtures.


Notification of Ministry of Public Health on the Hazard Classification and Communication System under the responsibility of Thai Food and Drug Administration B.E. 2558 (2015)

The FDA has implemented GHS on hazardous substances/products for household and public health use through Notification B.E. 2558 (2015) since March 20, 2015, with transition periods:

  • 1 year for single substances (till March 20, 2016); and

  • 5 years for mixtures (till March 20, 2020).


Notification of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Re: Hazard Classification and Communication System of Hazardous Substances Responsible for the Department of Fisheries B.E. 2564 (2021)

The DOF issued the Notification B.E. 2564 (2021) to stipulate that that the hazardous substances (both single substance and mixture) used in fisheries shall comply with GHS requirements since November 30, 2021, with transition periods:

  • 1 year for single substances (till November 30, 2022); and

  • 5 years for mixtures (till November 30, 2026).

Application Scope

Chemicals listed in the List of Hazardous Substances that are regulated by the six authorities based on the Hazardous Substance Act, including Department of Industrial Works, Department of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Energy Business, Department of Livestock development.

Classification & Labeling

In line with the UN GHS Rev.3, Thailand GHS adopted 28 hazard categories covering physical hazard (16), health hazard (10) and environmental hazard (2). See the figure below.

Thailand GHS Building Blocks

Label affixed to a container of hazardous substance shall have an appropriate size with such container and shall be clearly noticed. A label shall comprise the following label elements as a minimum requirement:

(1) Pictograms – a pictogram shall be prepared in an appropriate size to a label and shall be made in black and placed on a white background within a red square frame set an angle of 45º on its point (a diamond shaped).

(2) Signal word

(3) Hazard statements

(4) Precautionary statements and pictograms – it shall be composed of phrases describing methods of prevention, storage, disposal and treatment in case of leakage, exposure or accident.

(5) Product identifier – it shall be in consistent with a product identifier prescribed in a safety data sheet and it shall be displayed with common names or IUPAC names or trade names. If a hazardous substance is a substance or a mixture listed under the UN recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods, a UN proper shipping name shall be identified at a container or package used during the transport.

(6) Supplier identification – it shall identify name, address and telephone number of a manufacturer or a supplier of hazardous substance on a label or it shall identify an emergency telephone number.

The classification criteria of the above 28 hazards and the corresponding label elements of hazard communication are specified in Table 1 attached to the Notification B.E.2555 (English translation is available).

Sreenshot of Table 1 attached to the Notification B.E.2555

There is no language requirement provision stated explicitly, however, it is a common industry practice to provide them in Thai.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

The 16 headings required in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) with their sub-sections are specified in Table 2 attached to the Notification B.E.2555 (English translation is available). The SDS shall be prepared in Thai.

Confidential Business Information (CBI)

The hazardous composition information shall be submitted to the authority. The confidential business information (CBI) will be protected, and the authority won’t release the information to the public.

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