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China Launches Database for Health Hazards of Chemical Toxicants to Address Occupational Health Risks

In late February 2021, the National Center for Occupational Safety and Health under the Chinese National Health Commission (NHC) launched a database for health hazards of chemical toxicants [1].

As a comprehensive query tool to assist the management of occupational health risks, the database is designed based on the Catalogue of Occupational Hazard Factors [2] and the Occupational Exposure Limits for Hazardous Agents in the Workplace Part 1: Chemical Hazardous Agents [3].

Currently, the database includes the detailed information on over 500 chemical toxicants, such as their basic information, physical and chemical properties, health hazards, GHS hazard class, carcinogenicity class, occupational exposure limits (OELs), first-aid information, etc.

Besides the website, users can also access the database through a WeChat mini program (scan the picture below).


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