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Netherlands to Introduce EPR for Textile in 2023

The Extended Producer Responsibility EPR (Uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid, UPV) for textiles will enter into force on 1 July 2023.

The concept of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for textile products has already existed or about to be introduced in several European countries. This year, Netherlands is moving forward to join the group and make textile EPR a reality.  

So far, France has been the only country in Europe with official EPR rules for textiles, while Belgium has implemented them voluntarily.  Currently, there are no requirements for textile EPR in the Netherlands, meaning that imported textiles can be used and disposed of without any specific regulations in place. 

This is expected to change from July 1, 2023 with the introduction of EPR (Uitgebreide producentenveran-twoordelijkheid, UPV) for textiles. 

Note: This date depends on the adoption of the measure by the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament, the proclamation of the Council Regulation or Ministerial Decree and the publication in the Staatsblad.

For whom?

The EPR will apply to all parties marketing clothes on the Dutch market. This means all manufacturers and importers of consumer clothing, workwear and corporate clothing as well as table, bed, table and household linen. In addition, it does not matter whether the textiles are offered to a company (B2B) or to end consumers (B2C, D2C). It also applies to textiles which are made from partially recycled material. 

The legislation does not apply to second-hand clothing or basic materials for production of clothing. 

What changes?

Textile manufacturers or importers as well as fashion brands that ship to the Netherlands will be responsible for the disposal of their products entering the market starting from July 2023. This means that clothing manufacturers and brands must ensure the collection, recycling, reuse and waste phase of the products they put on the market.

What to do?

Manufacturers and importers within the definition of the EPR Regulation for Texttile are obliged to do the following: 

  • Ensure that consumers can drop off their textile products at a collection point free of charge at any time and anywhere in the Netherlands;

  • Prove that the textile waste is properly collected and recycled;

  • Report annually on the amount of textiles that are imported into the Dutch market and whether and how the collection, recycling and reuse targets have been met;

  • Register with a legally approved EPR scheme;

  • Hire an authorised representative from the Netherland who registers the corresponding products and quantities on their behalf (for foreign online retailers).

Source: ecosistant

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