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Thailand and Japan to Deepen Chemical Management Cooperation

On Dec 22nd, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan and the Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Ministry of Industry (MOI) of Thailand signed an agreement for the second term of the Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on the risk-based chemical management system between both sides.

The Memorandum was first signed on Aug 30th, 2012 and has served both sides well, prompting both to continue the cooperation for another 3 years. The objective of the Memorandum is to strengthen a risk-based chemical management system in Thailand and to establish the “Japan-Thailand Policy Dialogue on Chemical Management”. Transparent science-based risk assessment and management procedures will be adopted in an attempt to quantify risk and minimize significant adverse effects on human health and the environment.

According to the Memorandum, both sides will share experiences, measures and means regarding policies, laws, regulations and technologies in the chemical management field and cooperate on information exchanges, seminars, personnel trainings and other activities. Additionally, an annual dialogue will be held in Thailand and relevant participants from government organizations, academic community and industry will be invited. 

Currently Thailand is in the process of information gathering of the hazardous chemicals through the notification required in Annex 5.6 of the List of Hazardous Substances. Thailand also has plans to establish a national inventory of existing chemicals, however significant progress has yet to be realized in this area.

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