Chemical Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
2013 Chemical Regulatory Review in Chinese Mainland, Korea and China's Taiwan

2013 Chemical Regulatory Review in Chinese Mainland, Korea and China's Taiwan

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Basic Information
  • Author:Nadine He, Jane Zhou
  • Pages:59
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:Jan 28, 2014
    Last Updated On:Jan 28, 2014

2013 saw significant chemical regulatory developments in Chinese Mainland, Korea and China's Taiwan, especially the passing of K-REACH, Taiwan TCSCA, etc., which will confer more compliance obligations for relevant stakeholders. Additionally, several chemical inventories were updated or pending to be issued in 2014. To save busy EHS professionals time and energy, we are now proud to share with you this annual report to help you track far-reaching updates and identify right strategies for regulatory compliance to thrive in the Chineses Mainland, Korea and China'sTaiwan market.


Chapter 1. Chinese Mainland New Chemical Substances Notification Development

  1. China NCSN Statistics

  2. Regulatory Updates

  3. Software Updates

  4. Testing Institution Updates

  5. IECSC Updates

  6. What to Expect in 2014

Chapter 2. Chinese Mainland Hazardous Chemicals Management and GHS Development

  1. Hazardous Chemical Management Development

  2. China GHS Implementation

  3. What to Expect in 2014

Chapter 3. China's Taiwan Chemical Regulatory Update—TCSCA& New Chemical Registration

  1. Regulatory Updates

  2. Administration Reshuffle

  3. Inventory Tracking

Chapter 4. Korea Chemical Regulatory Update— K-REACH& TCCA

  1. Regulatory Updates

  2. Inventory Updates