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First Batch of Hazardous Chemicals of Priority Environmental Concern (HCPEC) Set to be Released

The draft inventory of Hazardous Chemicals of Priority Environmental Concern (HCPEC) is set to be released in a series of batches. The first batch of the “Hazardous Chemicals of Priority Environmental Concern” contains 142 chemical substances. Before being formally added to the draft version of the inventory the batches are first subject to a period of consultation. During March and April 2013, the first batch was passed to the enterprises operating within the chemical industry for consultation through the industry association. There is overlap between the 58 categories of chemicals highlighted in the MEP’s 12th FYP and the draft list. As stipulated in MEP order 22, “Measures for the Environmental Management of Hazardous Chemical Registration (Trial)”, the manufacturers and users of HCPECs are further required to conduct the environmental risk assessment and submit release & transfer report. Therefore, companies should be cautious about the inclusion of the List. For the new chemicals identified as “priority environmental concern”, companies just need to fulfill the risk mitigation obligations stipulated in the New Chemical Substance Notification (NCSN), which is beyond the scope of the Order 22.

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