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Overview of China GLP System

GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) was adopted by the OECD Council in 1981. Since then, GLP has played an increasingly vital role in chemical management and provides a solid foundation for global harmonization efforts. China’s government has done lots of work to facilitate the implementation of GLP practices and construction of GLP accredited laboratories. China has translated OECD series on “Principles of Good Laboratory Practice and Compliance Monitoring" and its revisions. GLP inspectors from US, Europe and other OECD member states have also been invited to hold on-site GLP training courses for test facilities staff. In comparison to the strict regulations on animal testing in the EU, China still prioritizes animal testing data as the gold standard in pre-clinical data. This in addition to the Chinese government’s prioritization of GLP capacity building is a key factor in the development of Chemical management in China. Currently, China GLP consists of four GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) systems:

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