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Melissa Owen
International Lawyer& Latin America Expert
Melissa Owen is an international lawyer and Latin America expert, guiding international clients on Latin American chemical regulations and ESG (environmental, sustainability, health and safety regulations) for the last 25 years. Mexican born, Ms. Owen is bi-national and multilingual (Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian, and French). Ms. Owen uses her cultural fluency to guide companies on legal aspects of their business in Mexico, Central, and South America. Her practice includes acting roles as regional inhouse counsel, inhouse auditor, counselling on regulatory and government affairs, and compliance across the region for Fortune 500 companies. She continues to be a thought leader on chemicals management and ESG issues in that region. Ms. Owen is a frequent contributor at international conferences on issues from chemical registration to e-waste. She is an educator on chemical regulations through her online Ambientelegal Academy and author of her weekly LinkedIn newsletter “Around Latin America.”