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China Petroleum Industry: Comprehensive Environmental Impact Reduction Plan

On Dec 5th, MEP released the Comprehensive Improvement Plan on VOC Emissions for the Petrochemical Industry. The plan requires the petroleum industry to establish a VOC monitoring system and sets the goal of reducing total VOC emission by 30% by 2017.

According to the Plan, the local environmental protection authorities should:

  • Confirm the current status of VOC emissions and sources in their administrative area including the production processes involved, VOC emission volume and the substances emitted. The information should be open to the public and will be the foundation for future environmental management of hazardous chemicals.

  • Establish a monitoring system for VOC emissions. Enterprises that pose high environmental risks and don’t meet the requirements of Cleaner Production will be added to the monitoring list. They will be given a deadline to improve their production conditions by.

  • Implement an approval system for new petroleum projects. The projects should be designed to higher standards and adopt advanced techniques to reduce VOC emission. Outdated production lines, equipment and techniques should be phased out.

The implementation timeline of the Plan is as follow:

  • By July 1st, 2015, local environmental protection authorities should finish analyzing VOC emissions in their administrative areas. Authorities at a provincial level should set up detailed implementation rules according to their specific conditions and report to MEP.

  • By the end of 2015, the petroleum industry should start the Leak Detection And Repair (LDAR) project and finish the notification of VOC emission substances and amount. MEP should establish a VOC notification and management platform. The comprehensive improvement plan should be thoroughly implemented in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Yangzte River Delta Region and Pearl River Delta Region.

  • By July 1st, 2017 the whole petroleum industry in China should finish implementing the improvement plan. The VOC emission of the industry should meet the requirements of relevant standards. A national wide monitoring system should be established.

  • By March 31st, 2018, environmental protection authorities at a provincial level should compile summaries of improvements and report to MEP.

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