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Japan MHLW Released Risk Assessment Result for 3 Chemical Substances

Every year, Japan MHLW investigates chemical exposure in workplace and selects substances that will pose danger to workers for risk assessment. On 31 May, the government released RA results of 3 substances among 10 chemicals chosen from last year’s investigation:

  • 1,2-dichloropropane: its risk to workers turns out to be high if lack of exposure prevention measures during workers do cleaning and wiping, and the MHLW will start to draft those measures soon.

  • Naphthalene: it will be subject to further risk assessment due to its high degree of exposure in some workplaces.

  • Phenylhydrazine: it has a low exposure degree and causes low risk to the health of workers. However, as is a hazardous substance, concerned companies are recommended to take the initiative to introduce proper risk control measures.

The remaining 7 chemical substances will be assessed in the following months, among which 3 substances will face detailed risk assessment:

  • Antimony trioxide

  • Mental indium

  • 2,2-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate

4 substances will go through preliminary risk assessment:

  • Titanium dioxide (nanoparticle)

  • N,N-Dimethylacetamide

  • Diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)

  • Refractory ceramic fibre

Tags : Japan
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