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Release &Transfer Reporting Templates for HCPEC Companies Released

On Jul 15, 2013, the MEP office published two supporting documents regarding the release & transfer report of HCPEC companies. As stipulated by the MEP Order 22, producers and users of hazardous chemicals of priority environmental concern (HCPEC) are obligated to submit the Release & Transfer report and the environmental risk mitigation plan of their hazardous chemicals. Both the report and the plan should be summited before Jan 31 each year.

The template for the transfer report consists of 7 forms:

  1. General information about the HCPEC company;

  2. Release& Transfer information about the HCPECs and their characteristic pollutants;

  3. Release & transfer amount of the HCPECs and the characteristic pollutants;

  4. Release& Transfer information about the HCPECs of the area;

  5. Release& Transfer information about the characteristic pollutants of the area;

  6. Summary of the HCPEC companies of the area;

  7. Summary of the HCPEC industries of the area;

The first 3 forms should be filled by the HCPECs companies and other 4 should be filled by the competent authorities of environmental protection on the country, city and provincial level. The capacity, consumption, release and transfer of the HCPECs and the pollutants, together with the calculation methods should be submitted to the MEP so that different level of authorities will be better informed of the environmental impacts. Demonstrations have been provided in the instructions. All three forms prepared for the environmental risk mitigation plan should be filled by the HCPEC companies:

  • General information about the HCPEC company;

  • Fulfillment of the mitigation plan of the previous year;

  • Risk mitigation plan of the current year;

The plan is to collect status and potential of the companies’ capability to reduce the environmental risks. MEP will check whether the company has fulfilled its commitment and constant improvement of environmental performance is expected by the MEP.

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