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Secret Contract Disclosed between Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis and CNCIC

Recently, an eyeball-catching public announcement was published on the MEP website, stating that a secret contract was signed between the Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis and the Chemical HSE Regulatory Affairs Deparment of China National Chemical Information Center (CNCIC). All of sudden, various speculation arises focusing on this secret contract which is claimed to violate the relevant provisions of China New Chemical Substance Notification and abused the MEP’s accreditation.

Although this announcement caused quite a sensation among the industry stakeholders, vague justification for this public announcement was provided from the public source. ChemLinked reporter interviewed an insider to collect some undisclosed information on this breaking news.

According to some insiders’ sources, CNCIC previously invested in some testing instruments for the MEP-accredited Guizhou testing institute, which might lead to some unreasonable clauses established between both parties. One of the insiders claimed that testing institution was only allowed to take exclusively the testing tasks commissioned by the CNCIC.  The intentions only largely let down the MEP’s accreditation and went against the due operating principle of fair and justice.

What makes the story even more curious is the way it becomes disclosed to the relevant authority and experts. According to the source, the MEP officials and the committee members of the new chemical substance notificaiton have been notified through email by some internal staff. 

This event did stir up some serious pondering over the management of laboratories approved by the relevant authority. "Our management over the laboratories needs to be largely improved", quoted by one MEP official over this issue.

The aftermath of this event guaranteed damage to the reputation of both Guizhou testing institution and the consulting firm CNCIC. No chemical testing qualification application from the Guizhou testing institute will be accepted by the MEP within one year, stated in the announcement. The MEP also vowed that even severe punishment would be issued if similar misbehavior detected, which definitely serves to raise the awareness of the peer of the Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis.

Current qualification status of the Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis

  • MEP-approved Eco-toxicological Lab

  • MOA-approved institution for pesticide full-component analysis 

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