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MEP Announcement about Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis and CNCIC's Disclosed Misconducts

China MEP issued the Announcement No.657 of 2013 on 17 June 2013, which critized the secrect contract singed between the Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis and China National Chemical Information Center. The original Announcement has been translated by Chemlinked as below.

The Chemical Testing Good Laboratories and Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry Testing Center:

Recently, the MEP received a report, which claimed that the Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis and China National Chemical Information Center (CNCIC) signed a contract of cooperation on new chemical substance testing. The contract is alleged to violate relevant provisions, and is unfair to social entrust. According to the Measures for the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances and Measures for the Administration of Chemical Testing Good Laboratory Practices promulgated by the MEP, the relevant information is informed as follows:

1. Upon inspection, the Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis and CNCIC signed the Contract of Cooperation on New Chemical Substance Testing and Risk Assessment and the revised memorandum. Part of the contract terms did not comply with the MEP’s requirements for testing institutions, which requires the testing institutes to carry out testing tasks independently and to report honestly, etc.

2. The Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis and CNCIC have terminated the contract as required by the MEP. They have committed to carry out work in strict accordance with relevant provisions. At the same time, no chemical testing qualification application for Chemical Testing Good Laboratory submitted by Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis will be accepted by the MEP within one year.

3. The chemical testing good laboratories accredited and published by the MEP are required to carry out self-inspection. If problems found, the immediate rectification should be imposed. Severe punishment would be issued if similar circumstances occurred.

For next step, the MEP will strengthen the management on the notifier and agent of new chemical substance notification. If similar misbehavior detected, the notification of new chemical substance from the concerned patrties will no longer be accepted. The MEP will further enhance supervision on chemical testing institutions, to ensure the objectivity, fairness and justice of testing activities.

Ministry of Environment

Current qualification status of the Guizhou Research Center for Physical Test and Chemical Analysis

  • MEP-approved Eco-toxicological Lab

  • MOA-approved institution for pesticide full-component analysis 

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