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Taiwan to Consolidate Duplicate Registration Applications of Same Substances

Recently, Taiwan issued a notice requiring the same registrant to combine multiple applications for the same chemical substance into one, to prevent the evasion of higher quantity registration requirements through batch-wise submissions.

Substances applied for by the registrant himself, and substances applied for by a third-party representative (TPR) on behalf of the registrant cannot be duplicated. Registrants and third-party representatives should ensure that duplicate registrations are avoided, and prompt action is taken to consolidate and cancel registration codes for the same substances. According to the authority, accurate reporting of manufacturing and import quantities is crucial, and any discrepancies or upgrades in registration tonnage levels must be addressed through reapplication or supplementary information.

In addition, the registration platform will implement a new verification mechanism to prevent the submission of duplicate applications by TPR for the same substances under the same registrant.

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