Chemical Compliance
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GB 13690-2009 General rule for classification and hazard communication of chemicals
Local Title:
GB 13690-2009 化学品分类和危险性公示 通则
Chinese Mainland
Competent Authority:
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (now SAMR);  Standardization Administration of China
In force
Release Date:
Implementation Date:
Language Source Title Access
Official GB 13690-2009 General rule for classification and hazard communication of chemicals_CN version
ChemLinked Translation
China GB 13690-2009 General rules for the classification and hazard communication of chemicals
File Language : EN&CN
$ 245

Clauses 4 and 5 of this Standard are mandatory, whilst the rest are recommended.

The degree of conformity between this standard and the second revision of the “Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals” (GHS) (ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.2) is non-equivalent; the technical content of this standard is identical to GHS and the text format was edited in accordance with GB/T 1.1 -2000.

This standard replaces GB 13690-1992, “Commonly use classification and labels for dangerous chemical substances”.

  • The main differences between this standard and GB 13690-1992 are as follows:

  • The name has been changed to “General rule for classification and hazard communication of chemicals”;

  • This standard classifies chemical hazards in accordance with the requirements of GHS;

  • This Standard specifies chemical hazard communication rules in accordance with the requirements of GHS.

Appendices A, B, C and D are all informative annexes.

This Standard is proposed and under the jurisdiction by the National Technical Committee on Dangerous Chemicals Management of the Standardization Administration (SAC/TC251).

The organizations who participated in the drafting of this standard are:

The China Chemical Standardization Research Institute;

Shandong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;

Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry;

Jiangsu Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;

Hubei Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.

This standard replaces previous versions of the following published standard:

  • GB 13690-1992. 

This compulsory national standard specifies general rules for chemical classification and hazard communication in accordance with the UN GHS requirements. It gives mandatory directions for the performance of hazard classification in China. It also applies to marking chemical hazard at chemical manufacturing areas and for consumer goods.

The standard corresponds to the second revision of the “Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals” (GHS) (ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.2). Relevant technical content of GB 13690-2009 is identical to the Rev.2 GHS but the degree of conformity between the two is non-equivalent.

GB 13690-2009 is considered a general normative document for chemical classification and chemical hazard communication in China; in fact, companies should refer to the specific 26 GB rules, GB 20576 - GB 20599 and GB 20601 - GB 20602 , for detailed hazard categories, precautionary labelling or precautionary statements of chemicals.

Under GB 13690-2009, chemical hazards are classified into 16 physical hazards, 10 human health hazards and 1 environmental hazard. But one hazard category under human health hazard, the aspiration hazard, is not yet included in a Chinese national standard.

1. Physical hazards

2. Health hazards

 3. Environmental hazards

GB 13690-2009 General rule for classification and hazard communication of chemicals
In force
Release Date: 2009-06-21
Implementation Date : 2010-05-01