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Australia AICIS Goes into Effect, with a New Website and Inventory in Place

Australia’s new chemical regulatory scheme AICIS took effect on July 1, 2020. A new website was launched into use to replace the old NICNAS website. More than 1,600 chemicals listed in the old Inventory are removed from the new one.

On July 1, 2020, the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) officially took effect, replacing the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) as the national regulatory framework for the introduction of industrial chemicals in Australia.

Under the new scheme, anyone who imports or manufactures (introduces) industrial chemicals into the country for commercial purposes must register their business with the AICIS and categorize each introduction. ChemLinked has staged a webinar [1] to prepare you for the changes.

To facilitate the implementation of the scheme, a new website [2] was launched on the same day to replace the NICNAS website. The NICNAS Business Services is now AICIS Business Services with a new web address [3].

Meanwhile, following a public consultation initiated last year, the Australia government decided to remove more than 1,600 chemicals on the old inventory which are not used for any industrial purpose from the new inventory, namely the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC). A search page [4] for the AIIC is made public, allowing businesses to search more than one CAS number at a time.

The AICIS website also published some minor changes made to the Categorization Guidelines [5], which sets out technical details and requirements to help businesses categorize their chemical introductions.

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