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Inventory Update: Australia Adds One Chemical into Australia Inventory of Industrial Chemicals

On May 19, 2022, the Australia Government published a notice1 to announce the addition of the following chemical to the Australia Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC).

CAS Number

Chemical Name


Silane, trichloromethyl-, hydrolysis products with amorphous fumed cryst.-free silica

This assessed chemical has been added into AIIC in accordance with Section 83 of the Industrial Chemical Act 20192. Its assessment certificate does not include a condition on the period for which the industrial chemical is permitted to be introduced, and this chemical can be listed into AIIC even if 5 years have not yet passed since the assessment certificate was issued.

Chemical substances that are listed in the AIIC can be introduced by any registered introducers (importers or manufactures). According to the IC Act 2019, introducers shall apply for registration before introducing an industrial chemical to Australia during a registration year (goes from September 1 to August 31). For chemicals not listed in AIIC, introducers shall apply to the Executive Director for an assessment certificate for the introduction of such industrial chemicals.

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