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China Consults on Revising Inventory of Hazardous Waste

The proposed Inventory updates will improve accuracy of hazardous waste property identification and ensure management efficiency.

On January 3, 2024, China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) released the National Inventory of Hazardous Waste (Draft for Comments). Once passed, it shall replace the existing 2021 version. Comments are welcomed until February 4, 2024.

The draft is consist of main text, National Inventory of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Waste Exemption Management List. The revision includes:

  1. Revise Article 6 of the main text;

  2. Revise National Inventory of Hazardous Waste, which includes adding annotations for 5 categories of hazardous waste, introducing 4 hazardous wastes, deleting 2 hazardous wastes, consolidating or separating 3 hazardous wastes and adjusting descriptions for 18 hazardous wastes;

  3. Adjust the exemption conditions for 2 hazardous wastes.

The complete revision can be accessed here.


Hazardous waste is the solid waste that is listed in the National Inventory of Hazardous Waste or meet the hazards criteria of identification of hazardous waste as determined by GB 5085.7-2019 Identification standards for hazardous waste General Rules.

Hazardous waste generating or business units shall conform to "14th Five-Year Plan" National Hazardous Waste Standardized Environmental Management Assessment Work Plan and establish management systems such as mark and label system, source classification system, transform system as required by the Work Plan. 

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