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China to Publish Recommended Standard on Chemical Hazard and Precautionary Statement

According to Notice No.43 of Standardization Administration of China (SAC) dated Dec 31, 2015, GB/T 32374-2015 Phrase and Codification of Chemical Hazard Statements has been approved and will enter into force on Jan 1, 2017.

The standard was formulated in accordance with the 4th revision of UN GHS (Annex 3) without making any significant change to the technical contents. It mainly stipulates the codification of pictograms, hazard statements and precautionary statements, which can be referenced for the convenience of hazard communication along the supply chain.

All the H/P phrases and codes listed in GB/T 32374-2015 can be found in the informative annexes of GB 30000.2~29-2013 series standards under the corresponding hazard categories. According to Mr. CHEN Jinhe of NRCC, one of the major drafters of GB/T 32374, both GB/T 32374-2015 and the informative annexes of GB 30000-2013 series are recommended only. Theoretically, either version can be referenced  in case of any difference in the wording.

GB/T 32374-2015 has not yet been printed and published. Please contact us to get notified of relevant updates.

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