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Global Chemical Regulation Highlights | July 2023

In July of 2023, China MEM required enterprises to fill in Hazchem business information on national platform. Taiwan EPA proposed amendments to the Permit Registration and Approval Regulations for Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances. South Korea intended to update requirements for low-volume new chemical registration. Australia designated PFOA and decaBDE as chemicals subject to AICIS Authorization. India further delayed QCOs for 10 chemicals. Thailand's FDA notified WTO of the proposed updates of the notification requirements for Type 1 hazardous substances (only for items under the FDA's responsibility) for comments.

July of 2023 has witnessed many chemical regulatory changes in the global chemical industry. To help you keep abreast of chemical regulation updates, ChemLinked presents a monthly recap, which delivers major regulation dynamics around the globe. Find out what’s new on chemical regulation in July below:

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