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Global Chemical Regulation Highlights | February 2023

In February of 2023, Shanghai released its list of new pollutants subject to priority management. South Korea consulted on updating quantity limits for toxic substances that require submitting a chemical accident prevention management plan. Japan consulted on banning PFHxS, its salts and related compounds. Australia considered changing TDG classification information under ADG Code. New Zealand consulted on banning PFHxS, its salts and related compounds through HSNO Act. Singapore officially released revised standards for GHS classification, labeling and SDS.

February of 2023 has witnessed some chemical regulatory changes in the global chemical industry. To help you keep abreast of chemical regulation updates, ChemLinked presents a monthly recap, which delivers major regulation dynamics around the globe. Find out what's new on chemical regulation in February below:



On February 3, 2023, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment released a notice to make public the Shanghai' s list of new pollutants subject to priority management, which was formulated based on the national list - List of New Pollutants for Priority Management (2023) and Shanghai's Workplan for New Pollutants Treatment. It will come into force on March 1, 2023.  (Read more)


More regulation highlights in China:

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