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Singapore to Regulate 12 Chemicals and Precursors as Flammable Materials Requiring P&FM Licence

Singapore drafted amendments to the FS (P&FM) Regs to fill the regulatory gap in addressing the domestic security and safety risks posed by 12 chemicals and precursors.

In late 2022, Singapore notified WTO of the Draft Fire Safety (Petroleum & Flammable Materials) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2022, which proposed to regulate 12 chemicals and precursors as flammable materials under the FS (P&FM) Regs from July 31, 2023. The public consultation ended in early February 2023. Once adopted, the import, storage, transport, or conveyance by pipeline of these chemicals shall obtain the P&FM Licence from Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF). For containers and vehicles that are used to store or transport these chemicals, labeling and other specific safety requirements stipulated in the FS (P&FM) Regs will apply. The target chemicals and precursors are:

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