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Registration Certificate Holders under China New Chemical Substance Notification Required to Submit 2013 Annual Report

CRC-MEP issued a notice reminding certificate holders of simplified notification and regular notification (hazardous new chemical substance and hazardous new chemical substances of priority environmental concern) to submit annual reports for their 2013 production and import activities by 1 Feb 2014.

The online submission software for annual report (1.1.1 ver.) was initialized with the issuance of the CRC-MEP notice. The reporting materials should be prepared according to the Guidance on Annual Report of New Chemical Substances. There is not much revision in the updated software in terms of the content, with only the stability and reliability of data transmission enhanced. As for the highlights to be concerned, please kindly refer to the 2012 annual report submission (Chemlinked News 10 Jan 2013).

Besides data submitted according to the online reporting system, the annual report in PDF form stamped with official seal of the registration certificate holder should be uploaded through the software. The PDF should be color scanned. Before the deadline, the certificate holder are allowed to revise or supplement the submitted annual report, while a full set of materials should re-submitted through the submission software. There is no need sending the hard copies to the CRC-MEP. The 1.1 version is now available for download on the CRC-MEP website.

CRC-MEP will start to review the annual reports next Feb, and the review results will be emailed to the certificate holders. If unqualified, the certificate holders are required to make corrections within the given period of 20 days, otherwise it will be deemed as failed and publicized to the public. As specified in the Article 44 of the MEP Order 7, the certificate holders failing to submit the annual report would be fined up to RMB 10,000.

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