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Taiwan Updated Existing Chemicals Inventory after SSECN

On 25 Nov, 2014, Taiwan’s existing chemical substance inventory was updated based on Second Supplementary Existing Chemical Substance Nomination (SSECN) concluded on 31 Jul this year.

Taiwan CLA concluded the ECN and First Supplementary ECN (SECN) respectively on 31 Dec 2010 and on 31 Aug 2012. Through the ECN and the SECN, Taiwan’s ECSI has been updated to include approximately 79,000 substances. The SSECN is the last chance to supplement the ECSI, which has enlarged the inventory to have around 90,000 substances. The inventory is now available on the CSNN website:

The chemical substances not listed on this inventory will be regarded as new chemical substances subject to new chemical registration. However, currently there is no idea whether the authority will provide service for potential registrants to confirm whether their substances inaccessible for online search due to its data protection application (only serial No. and generic name exposed) are new or not.

    Tags : Taiwan, China
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