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Green Chemistry and Future Changes to Relevant Regulations

Green chemistry is the utilization of a set of principles that reduces or eliminates the use or generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products. It is a method to make peace with the nature, protecting human health and future generations from being harmed by hazardous chemicals. Four panelists from relevant fields gave excellent presentations and discussed policy shifts at the CRAC-HCF 2021 Virtual Forum.

With the rapid development of the industry, the safety and sustainable development of chemical industries has attracted more and more attention. At the CRAC-HCF 2021 Virtual Forum held by REACH24H on November 8, 2021, Mr. Otto Linher from the European Commission, together with Ms. Tatiana Santos form the European Environmental Bureau, Prof. Joel Tickner form the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Mr. Pang Guanglian from the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Executive Board, discussed the topic of green chemistry and sustainable development and shared their opinions.

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