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Australia Releases New Downloadable Spreadsheet of the Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC)

New downloadable version of the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals is available.

The Australian Government recently issued the fourth version of the downloadable spreadsheet of the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC). It contains 39,659 industrial chemicals listed in AIIC as of January 2, 2024. Details in the spreadsheet include CAS No., CAS name, molecular formula, defined scope of assessment, conditions of introduction or use, specific information requirement, etc.

Click here to download the spreadsheet. It will be regularly updated, and the next version may be available later this year. Please note that this spreadsheet is provided for convenience only and is not complete. It doesn’t include:

  • Chemicals that cannot be disclosed to the public because of the CBI protection;

  • URL links to the assessment and evaluation statements.

Therefore, it should not be relied on for the latest information. Manufacturers and importers, who want to accurately check if the chemical is listed on AIIC and what the terms of its listing are, are recommended to search via the official online platform.

AIIC serves as a searchable database containing approximately 40,000 chemicals that are manufactured or imported for industrial use in Australia. Industrial chemicals covered by assessment certificates are listed on the AIIC after 5 years, but there are also provisions for early listing. Any registered person can introduce an industrial chemical listed on the Inventory but must comply with the terms of the Inventory listing, along with record-keeping and reporting requirements. The introductions (manufacture or import) of chemicals that are not listed in AIIC should be categorized before starting relevant activities. Under the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS), for different introduction categories, different obligations apply.

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