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China Conducts Low VOC Coating Products Assessment

A Low VOC Coating Product Certificate will be issued to the qualified product, with a valid period of 3 years.

According to the 14th Five-Year Plan for Coating Industry in China published in 2021, the scale of China's coating industry will continue to expand during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. The total output of the coating industry is expected to grow from 24.591 million tons in 2020 to about 30 million tons by 2025, with environmentally friendly coatings accounting for 70% of the total output. In this context, there is a need to enhance source replacement by promoting the use of low VOC coating products and limiting the use of high VOC solvent-based coatings, which is in line with the goal of reducing total VOC emissions by over 10% by 2025 in the national 14th Five-Year Plan. Many provinces have released their own 14th Five-Year Plan on VOCs source replacement,.including Zhejiang province, Jiangsu province and Shanghai city.

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