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SCC-MEP Issues Software for Regular Notification under China NCSN

On 14 Dec 2015, the SCC-MEP issued the newly developed software for Regular Notification under China New Chemical Substance Notification (China NCSN) in order to facilitate online information processing and enhance work efficiency.

Before 31 Mar 2016, notification materials submitted via either the traditional way (burned all files onto a disc and posted to the SCC-MEP) or by the new software are acceptable. However, from 1 Apr 2016, SCC-MEP will only accept regular notification materials submitted through the online system.

Notifiers may consult SCC-MEP for any problems during the software installation (010-84665467, and data submission (010-84636376,

It should be noted that the items requiring filing on the online system are not the same as those required for the current notification application form. Major changes are for the “Section 5 intrinsic properties of notified substance”, for each test end-point more specifications should be filled in. Take reproductive/developmental toxicity for example, in addition to the value of NOAEL/NOEL, methods and dose of toxication should also be provided. In addition, the test organism and test methods used to generate the test report, as well as the name and credentials of the test institute should be provided.

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