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A Series of Free Seminars to be Held for Taiwan New and Existing Chemical Management

Taiwan will adopt the core principles of EU REACH and introduce a regulatory scheme to include existing and new chemical substances registration.

The Existing Chemical Substances Inventory (ECSI) which has been updated on 22 Dec 2012 is fundamental in classifying chemicals as new or existing. The associated registration obligations required for new chemicals is judged with reference to this inventory. The Taiwan LSHA (renamed as OSHA) has passed its third reading in the Legislative Yuan on 18 June, 2013 and was promulgated on 3 July 2013. The new Act includes the new chemical substance notification, license management on controlled chemicals and the handling requirements for chemicals of priority management. To introduce the new chemical management system, four industry focused policy dissemination seminars  will be held in Taiwan. The seminars will also provide important dialogue and feedback for development of application tools and information systems.

* (To attend free of charge register online at SAHTECH website.)

Several other free seminars addressing issues relating to TCSCA, OSHA and GHS will be held. Though TCSCA proposal haven’t been passed, the current updates and the new chemical substance notification scheme will be introduced. Online application is available here. Taiwan CLA is planning to publish the Stage Three GHS-classified hazardous chemicals this year. Implementation of the OSHA will require employers to assess the risks of hazardous chemicals and implement management measures based on relative hazards and the specific distribution and handling involved with hazardous chemicals (amended Article 11). The seminar on labeling and hazard communication and the assistive tools can be accessed here.

Taiwan is developing a system for comprehensively managing chemicals. The TCSCA proposal remains in development and the 58 supporting regulations and measures currently under revision for the OSHA still leave much uncertainty for the future of chemical management in Taiwan.

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