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South Korea Publishes 16,988 Pre-registered Substances under K-REACH

185,728 pre-registration applications were submitted for 16,988 chemical substances. More than 38% of the existing chemical substances were pre-registered.

On October 16, 2020, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) updated the list of pre-registered substances under K-REACH.

South Korea’s Existing Chemicals Inventory (KECI) contains 44,491 existing substances (ChemLinked news). So far, a total of 185,728 pre-registration applications were submitted for 16,988 chemical substances, accounting for more than 38% of the existing chemical substances circulated in South Korea.

For each pre-registered substance, the MoE provides information including

  1. the number of applications for pre-registration;

  2.  the maximum tonnage band (1-10t/y: 6,751 substances; 10-100t/y: 5,625 substances; 100-1000t/y: 2,727 substances; Above 1000: 1,885 substances);

  3. if it is a CMR substance;

  4. if consumer uses apply; and

  5. hazard classification information.

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