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China EC Pesticide Products: Current Status and Regulatory Overview

The first China pesticide approval council since the implementation of China’s first regulations on pesticide solvents HG/T 4576-2013 was held recently in Beijing. There was no new pesticide emulsifiable concentrates( EC) product application considered on the council agenda. However sources suggest that application for production approval of EC products has been reopened.
Production approval for new EC product was suspended by the MIIT in 2009. Since then there have been almost 400 EC product applications made by over 300 companies rejected. The reopening of application for new EC product has been eagerly anticipated by the industry
The obvious questions however still remain… why have EC products been the target of such stringent regulation? What are the consequences for EC products in china? What can we expect in the future?
The Pesticide EC formulations are characterized by high active ingredient content, storage stability, convenient to use, simple formulation process, low technological requirements for formulation machinery and in comparison to other pesticide products reduced waste during formulated process. The production of EC products always exceeding 20% of the total output of pesticide formulated products in China.
According to ICAMA,total 9466 EC products have been registered with ICAMA by the end of 2013. The second highest number of registered formulated products is wettable powder at 6122. The culminative total number of other registered formulation is 9240. The registration number of EC products represents almost 40% of all the registered formulations registered in china.

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