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Exemption Criteria under China Road Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulations - JT/T617-2018: Small Quantity

1.To ascertain RTDG compliance obligation exemption eligibility first determine the transport category and maximum carriage amount according to UN number and packing group to determine whether dangerous goods meet the exemption conditions of small quantity transportation 2.For mixed load of dangerous goods, maximum carriage amount is 500 (KG/L), calculated by multiplying different coefficients corresponding to different transport categories 3.Dangerous goods which meet the special exemption provisions in Appendix A, column 6 in JT/T617.3-2018 shall be exempted according to relevant items and requirements in Appendix B of JT/T617.3-2018. 4.Regulatory compliance obligations related to dangerous goods transported in limited quantity and excepted quantity will be analyzed and interpreted in a following article.

Transportation of small quantity or small packaged dangerous goods is a major focus of hazardous good logistics enterprise and transport operators. In the past, small quantity or small packaged dangerous goods can be transported via special vehicles only, rather than express or transported as general goods, bringing relatively high cost for enterprise.

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