Annual reporting of notified new chemical substances is a basic post-notification requirement in China. Certificate holders of simplified notification and regular notification (hazardous new chemical substance and hazardous new chemical substances of priority environmental concern) are obliged to submit an annual report to the SCC-MEP by the 1st of Feb every year. The annual report should be prepared and submitted using this software.
According to the new draft Guidance on China new chemical notification (CL news), the deadline for annual reporting will be extended from 1st Feb to 1st Apr in the future. However, the draft is still under internal deliberation by MEP and there will be a further delay in release of the final version. Thus, this time, as confirmed by SCC, the annual report should still be submitted before 1st of Feb 2017.
The online submission system will be closed by 1 Feb. Before the deadline, certificate holders are allowed to revise or supplement the submitted annual report. Certificate holders failing to submit the annual report in time will be listed publically and are subject to a fine of RMB 10,000.