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China Updates the Catalogue of Dual-Use Items and Technologies Subject to Import and Export License Administration

More dual-use items and technologies are added to the Catalogue and strictly regulated.

On December 31, 2021, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs issued the updated Catalogue of Dual-Use Items and Technologies Subject to Import and Export License Administration (hereinafter referred to as Catalogue), which is formulated based on the Export Control Act of the People’s Republic of China (ChemLinked news), the Measures of Dual-Use Items and Technologies Subject to Import and Export License Administration[1] and the Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China (2022). The updated Catalogue has come into force on January 1, 2022, and the 2020 version was repealed at the same time.

The items and technologies listed in the Catalogue are regulated in accordance with the Export Control Act of People’s Republic of China, the Cryptography Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations. The Catalogue consists of two parts: a. catalogue of dual-use items and technologies subject to import license administration; b. catalogue of dual-use items and technologies subject to export license administration. Details are as follows:

a. Items subject to import license administration

b. Items subject to export license administration

1) Chemicals listed in the monitoring inventory under the Regulations on Administration of Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control[2] - 74 entries

1) Items and technologies listed in Nuclear Export Control List - 159 entries

2) Precursor chemicals I - 54 entries

2) Items and technologies listed in the Export Control List of Nuclear-Related Dual-Use Items and Related Technologies - 204 entries

3) Radioisotopes - 10 entries, except for exempted radioisotopes and their compounds

3) Items and technologies listed in the Export Control List of Biological-Related Dual-Use items and Related Technologies and Equipment - 144 entries

4) Items and technologies included in the List of Commercial Cryptography under Import Licensing - 4 entries

4) Chemicals listed in the monitoring inventory under the Regulations on Administration of Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control - 74 entries


5) Items and technologies listed in the Export Control List of Relevant Chemical Products and Affiliated Equipment and Technologies -37 entries

6) Items and technologies listed in the Export Control List of Missiles and Related Items and Technologies – 186 entries

7) Precursor chemicals I - 54 entries

8) Precursor chemicals II - 17 entries, restrictions imposed on exports to specific countries

9) Other dual-use items and technologies - 6 entries

10) Special civilian items and technologies – 5 entries

11) Items and technologies included in the List of Commercial Cryptography under Export Licensing – 11 entries

For chemical industry, relevant enterprises are suggested to place more attention to precursor chemicals and those chemicals listed in the monitoring inventory under the Regulations on Administration of Chemicals Subject to Supervision and Control, which are subject to both import and export license administration.

It should also be noted that importers who intend to import radioisotopes shall follow the process below step by step.

  1. Report to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) for the approval in accordance with the Measures of Dual-Use Items and Technologies Subject to Import and Export License Administration and the Regulation on the Safety and Protection of Radioisotopes and Radiation Devices;

  2. Apply to the Quota License Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Commerce for the import license of the dual-use items and technologies;

  3. Go through the import procedures at customs with the possessed import license.

The official document can be accessed here.

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