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K-REACH Lead Registrant Voluntary Nomination Closing in 4 Days

As announced on the 1st of Dec 2015 by the K-REACH Helpdesk, the manufacturers and importers of 510 PECs subject to registration have been granted a four day extension to join the Chemical Substance Information Communicative Organization (CICO, similar to SIEF) and volunteer to be lead registrants. The deadline is the 4th of Dec.

So far, election of lead registrants has been finished for just 6 PECs (in Oct of this year (CL news)). These substances were selected last year for a joint registration pilot project (CL news), and have been subject to an extended time period to engage potential registrants and prepare for LR election.

However, for other PECs, the authority hasn’t offered the same extended LR nomination period. For many substances there is still no LR and in other cases there are certain substances for which no enterprise has even joined CICO. For this reason the authority has granted a small extension (4 days) for LR election, hoping to motivate companies to join CICO and volunteer to be LRs. The results of LR election will be published after the 15th of Dec 2015. If the current situation continues we can only expect a handful of LRs to step forward by deadline. 

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