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Interpretation of China Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals (2015)

The article is an English translation of a public release by SAWS. Minor modifications were made to the literal expressions to enhance readability. By comparing the 2015 Inventory with the 2002 Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals and the 2015 Inventory of Highly Toxic Chemicals, this article aims to help stakeholders better understand the definition and scope of hazardous chemicals. 3. The formulation background, history, formulation principle of the 2015 Inventory will also be introduced in this article.

The Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals (hereinafter referred as the “Inventory”) serves as an essential support document to facilitate implementation of the Regulations on the Control over Safety of Hazardous Chemicals (hereinafter referred as the “Regulations”). The Inventory of Hazardous chemicals is also an important reference for the industry to define their respective chemical management compliance requirements, in addition to aiding governmental departments in carrying out law enforcement inspections and administrative measures. In accordance with Decree 591 (the latest revision of the Regulations), the formulation of the 2015 Inventory was finalized under the joint effort of SAWS, MIIT, MPS, MEP, NHFPC, AQSIQ, MOT, NRA, CAAC and MOA. The Inventory will enter into force from May 1st, 2015 and replace the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals (2002) and Inventory of Highly Toxic Chemicals (2002).

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