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BIS Certification in India

Theory Wen Last updated on: Jul 06, 2023

What is BIS Certification?

BIS Certification mainly comprises product certification and system certification, which is regulated by the Bureau of Indian Standard in compliance with the BIS Act, 2016 and Bureau of Indian Standard (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018

Mandatory Product Certification

Both product and system certification schemes are voluntary in nature. However, for certain products, the Central Government directs mandatory use of Standard Mark under a Licence or Certificate of Conformity (CoC) from BIS through issuance of Quality Control Orders (QCOs) or Compulsory Registration Orders.

BIS certification includes four mandatory schemes:

  • Scheme-I Indian Standards Institution (ISI) Mark Scheme

  • Scheme-II Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS)

  • Scheme-IV Grant of Certificate of Conformity (CoC)

  • Scheme-X Certification

FMCS Certification

BIS has been operating the Foreign Manufacturer Certification Scheme (FMCS) since 2000, which allows foreign manufacturers to continue their businesses in India after receiving the BIS License. Under FMCS, license is granted for the use of Standard Mark on a product that conforms to an Indian Standard. The Scheme is applicable for grant of licence for all products except Electronics & IT Goods notified by MeitY

Authorized Indian Representative (AIR)

In accordance with BIS Rule 16B (4) of 1987, if a foreign applicant wants to get a BIS Licence, first they need to designate an Authorized Indian Representative (AIR). AIR must be an Indian resident and is responsible for ensuring compliance with BIS rules and regulations on behalf of the foreign applicant.

Who must apply for BIS Certification?

Domestic or foreign manufacturer of products under compulsory certification (QCOs and Compulsory Registration Orders).

For foreign manufacturer, they are required to nominate an Authorized Indian Representative (AIR), who should be resident of India and will be responsible for preparation and application of BIS Certification as per BIS rules and regulations.

Which type of products need BIS Certification?

Since new types of products are constantly updated on the official BIS catalog, it is important to check the latest certification requirements of individual products with the authorities. Different schemes may share same product category, but are targeted at different individual products. 

Here is a brief overview of products under BIS Certification. 

Scheme-I (through issuance of QCOs): 

  • Cement

  • Household electrical goods

  • Batteries

  • Chemicals, fertilizers, polymers and textiles

  • ...

Scheme-II (through issuance of Compulsory Registration Order):

  • Electronic and IT goods

  • Photovoltaics, systems, devices and components

  • Low- Voltage swtichgear and control gear

  • Chemicals

  • Textiles

Scheme-IV (through issuance of QCOs):

  • Stampings/laminations/cores of transformers (with or without winding);

  • Retro-Reflective Devices for Bicycles.

Scheme-X (through issuance of QCOs):

  • Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear

The complete mandatory list of products currently covered by BIS Certification can be found here

Does BIS Certification applies to pure chemicals or mixtures?

In case of chemicals, the BIS certification is applicable on pure chemicals since QCOs are product specific. It is not mentioned if it is applicable on mixtures. In case of mixtures (A+B+C) in which C comes under mandatory certification list, the BIS authority handle these queries case by case. They may request for application, produc form or other relevant information to determine if the products need certification or not. 

How to apply for BIS Certification? 

As mentioned earlier, there are currently four types of mandatory certification schemes. A domestic manufacturer needs to apply for use of Standard Mark under a BIS License or CoC to ensure the compliance of their products to applicable Indian Standard Specifications. 

The manufacturers whose companies or premises are located outside of India are required to submit their FMCS application to get a BIS Licence to ensure the compliance with corresponding specifications.

Application Process

BIS Certification process differ for domestic and foreign manufacturers, in particular

For domestic manufacturers:

屏幕截图 2023-07-06 160655.jpg

For foreign manufacturers:

 2023-07-06 160710.jpgFor Scheme-I, Scheme-IV and Scheme-X, a factory inspection is required in addition to product testing. After grant of license/certificate, BIS may request random product audits. The license/certificate will be suspended or cancelled if the test report indicates non-conformity of the product to the relevant Indian Standard. In addition, any change to the manufacturing or product process will require retesting to maintain the certification validity. 

Here is a comparison of three BIS Certification Schemes:

Process time
MarkingProduct testingFactory inspectionFollow-up audits
Scheme-I1-2 yearsWithin 90 daysISI MarkYesYesYes
Scheme-II2 yearsWithin 90 daysCRS MarkYesNoYes
Scheme-IV1-2 yearsWithin 180 daysCertificate of Conformity NumberYesYesYes
Scheme-X3-6 yearsWithin 60 days
Standard MarkYesYesYes

Regulated chemicals under BIS Certification

Under BIS Certification framework, chemicals are mainly regulated under ISI and CRS Scheme. Here is a latest list of chemicals, fertilizers, polymers, and textiles subject to QCOs under ISI Sheme and CRS Scheme as notified by the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC) (updated on November 19, 2024):

ISI Mark Scheme(Factory inspection is required)

Sr No.IS No.ProductsImplementation date
IS 252:2013
Caustic Soda2018.4.3
230IS 10116:2015Boric Acid2019.5.16
231IS 15573:2018Poly Aluminium Chloride2020.2.1
232IS 695:1986Acetic Acid2024.8.3
233IS 2833:1973Anihline2024.8.3
234IS 517:1986Methanol2024.8.3
235 IS 5158:1987Phthalic Anhydride2023.6.22
236IS 8058:2018Pyridine2025.3.13
237IS 16113:2013Gamma Picoline2024.3.13
238IS 16112:2013
Beta Picoline2025.3.13
239IS 12084:2018Morpholine2024.11.1
240IS 297:2001Sodium Sulphide2020.12.14
241IS 7129:1992Potassium Carbonate, Anhydrous2024.3.13
242IS 170:2004Acetone
243IS 4581:1978Phosphorous Trichloride, pure and analytical reagent2020.12.14
244IS 11744:1986Phosphorous Pentachloride2020.12.14
245IS 11657:1986Phosphorous Oxychloride2020.12.14
246IS 2080:2021Stabilized Hydrogen Peroxide
247IS 3205:1984Precipitated Barium Carbonate2020.12.14
248IS 12928:1990Precipitated Barium for Ceramic and Glass Industry2020.12.14
249IS 4505:2015Sodium Formaldehyde Sulphoxylate2020.12.14
250IS 6100:1984Sodium Tripolyphosphate , Anhydrous
251IS 14709:1999n-Butyl Acrylate2023.12.22
252IS 336:1973Ether2021.12.22
253IS 5295:1985Ethylene Glycol2021.12.22
254IS 537:2011Toluene2024.12.22
255IS 15030:2001Terephthalic Acid2023.6.22
256IS 14707:1999Methyl Acrylate2025.3.31
257IS 14708:1999Ethyl Acrylate2025.3.31
258IS 12345:1988Vinyl Acetate Monomer2025.3.31
259IS 4105:2020Styrene (Vinyl Benzene)2025.10.24
260IS 5149:2020Maleic Anhydride 
261IS 12540:1988Acrylonitrile2025.10.24
262IS 17265:2019

100 Percent. Polyester Spun Grey and White Yarn (PSY)

263IS 17261:2022

Polyester Continuous Filament Fully Drawn Yarn (FDY)

264IS 17264:2019

Polyester Industrial Yarn (IDY)

265IS 17262:2019

Polyester Partially Oriented Yarn (POY)

266IS 17263:2019

Polyester Staple Fibres (PSF)


IS 7328:2020

Polyethylene Material for moulding and extrusion

(i) Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

(ii) Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)

(iii) High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

268IS 11356:2020

Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Latex


IS 16481:2016

Synthetic Micro-Fibres for use in Cement Based Matrix


IS 12795:2020

Linear Alkyl Benzene

271IS 13601:1993

Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) Copolymers


IS 7686:2020

3(N, N-DiEthyl) Aminophenol


IS 4566:2020

Methylene Chloride (Dichloromethane)


IS 2012:2006

Red Phosphorus


IS17077:2019/ISO 19062-1 : 2015

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)


IS 869:2020

Ethylene Dichloride


IS 17370:2020



IS 14434:1998


IS 17397 (Part 1) : 2020/ISO 16365-1 : 2014



IS 17442:2020

Vinyl Chloride Monomer2025.3.12

IS 17450 : 2020

1,3 Phenylenediamine


IS 10931 :1984

Lauric Acid

283IS 12029:1986Acid Oil

IS 12067: 1987

Palm Fatty Acids2025.4.24

IS 12068 :1987

Rice Bran Faty Acids2025.4.24

IS 12069 : 1987

Coconut Fatty Acids2025.4.24

IS 12124 : 1987

Rubberseed Fatty Acids2023.10.24

IS 12361 :1988

Hydrogenated Rice Bran Fatty Acids

323IS 14887:2014Textiles –High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)/ Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for packaging of 50 kilogram Foodgrains2024.9.6
324IS 16208:2015Textiles –High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)/ Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for packaging 10 kilogram, 15 kilogram, 20 kilogram, 25 kilogram, and 30 kilogram Foodgrains2024.9.6
325IS 14968:2015Textiles –High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)/ Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for packaging 50 kilogram /25 kilogram Sugar2024.9.6
326IS 14252:2015Textiles –High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)/ Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for filling Sand2024.9.6
581IS 9755:2021
Textiles—High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) /Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for Packaging Fertilizers2024.9.6
582IS 11652 : 2017Textiles — High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)/ Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for Packaging of 50 kg Cement2024.12.6
583IS 16709 : 2017Textiles — Polypropylene (PP) Woven, Laminated, Block Bottom Valve Sacks for Packaging of 50 kg Cement2024.12.6
584IS 16703 : 2017Textiles — High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for Packaging of 25 kg Polymer Materials2024.6.3
585IS 17399 : 2020Textiles — Polypropylene (PP)/ High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Laminated Woven Sacks for Mail Sorting, Storage, Transport and Distribution2024.12.6
IS 17658:2021Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Homopolymers2024.12.24
606IS 10951: 2020Polypropylene (PP) Materials for Moulding and Extrusion2024.12.24
607IS 17042 (Part-1): 2018Diesel Engines – NOx Reduction Agent AUS 322024.8.25
689IS 8637 : 2020H Acid2025.5.13
690IS 11557: 1986K Acid2025.5.13
691IS 18340 : 2023Vinyl Sulphone2025.5.13

Once the QCO starts to take effect, companies need to apply for License to use BIS Standard Mark to manufacture, import, distribute, sell, store, or exhibit for sale these chemicals. Export is exempted from QCOs.

As India relaxes its prevention and control measures on pandemic and focuses on stepping up chemical regulations, it is expected that there will be fewer QCOs delay. According to the source, the mandatory list will expand to add around 200-300 substances in the near future. ChemLinked will keep a close eye and update the latest information. 

CRS Scheme (Factory inspection is not required)

SR No.IS No.ProductsImplementation date

IS 798:2020

Ortho Phosphoric Acid

2IS 17439:2020

Polyphosphoric Acid


IS 17412:2020

Trimethyl Phosphite


Once the Compulsory Registration Order comes into force, companies are required to register with the Bureau and use BIS Standard Mark to manufacture, import, distribute, sell, store, or exhibit for sale these chemicals.